Bracket Chatter January 22, 2016
In this issue
Fight Gingivitis with Folic Acid

Fight Gingivitis with Folic Acid

The country celebrated National Folic Acid Awareness Week during the second week of January, and there’s a good reason why we’re mentioning this.


Orthodontic patients who have brackets and arch wires are more likely to get gingivitis if they don’t practice good oral hygiene. Navigating around these appliances can take some getting used to, and your gums will become red, swollen and tender if you don’t brush and floss well.


We provide patients with all the tools needed to maintain good oral hygiene throughout treatment, such as soft picks, proxy brushes and dental floss threaders.


Although you should check with your family physician first, incorporating folic acid into your diet might be a good move to help prevent gingivitis, the first stage of periodontal disease. That’s because folic acid is a known gingivitis fighter.


“Double blind studies have shown that folic acid can significantly reduce gum inflammation,” according to the Institute for Optimum Nutrition.


Folic acid can reduce gum inflammation and help them become more resilient to dental plaque and anaerobic bacteria, two of the primary culprits responsible for tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath. It also helps reduce gum bleeding, which is one of the most common signs of gum disease.


Feel free to ask us if you would like more information on how to keep your gums and teeth healthy by eating a healthy diet. We want to help you do all you can to keep your smile beautiful!



Help Us Welcome Our New Clinical Staff Member

Help Us Welcome Our New Clinical Staff Member

Please join us in welcoming our new orthodontic assistant, Meeribeth Perez, to the Forever Smiles team! Meeribeth joined us in December 2015, but she has worked in the orthodontic field since 2008. In addition to working full time in our office, she is a college student who is working toward a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. Be sure to say hi to Meeribeth the next time you’re in the office.


On Time Contest Winner

On Time Contest Winner

Congratulations to Henri who was the winner of our  December on time contest!

Thank you for making it a point to arrive early or on time for your appointments. We appreciate you!

Quick Links
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 847-215-7554
Specialist in Orthodontics, 600 W. Lake Cook Road, #150, Buffalo Grove, , ,